History of the Aryan Race

The source of the English word Aryan comes from the Sanskrit word ārya. Later, the “Indo” was dropped and the white Aryan Race theory emerged.

According to the book „On the way to the Light“ the author Emmanuel tells us that on earth there are civilizations from the constellations Chapel and another solar system, such as Orion that helped the Terran civilization to progress.

In case of Capella system, their planet came into the process as the Earth is living today, going from ATONEMENT and PROOF PLANET; moving to the scale of a REGENERATION planet.

These spirits who were sent to the planet Earth were very smart intellectually but morally they were still lagging behind. Here on Earth, they formed four races: Hindus, Egyptians, Israelis and Hindu-European.

This happened about 12,000 years ago. So, how dear readers can see,
is false the idea of nationalism, because there is not the „white race“ or Aryan race, but the Europeans are mixtures of Hindus who left the banks of river Ghandi, coming in direction to Europe, arriving by Greece, Russia and spreading across the European continent. This race, the Hindo-European was the one who mixed with the natives.
However, today’s nationalism is growing in many European countries.

As you see, history is ignored by many people. If they really knew the story, they would try to put the ego beneath the arm and begin to work for the personal, real spiritual growth.

The Egyptian population, for example, was the most morally advanced and after a few centuries most of them went back to their loved ones. So it happened with the other races, gradually returning to the planet of origin. For this reason one sees the mysterious constructions of the Pyramids and the system of Ayurveda, as advanced in India of yore.
But some of these „galactic asylees“, even today, are still reincarnating on Earth, at the risk of still being exiled to other more inferior planets than Earth.

Here is a link where you may read  about the Earth at the beginning,  the Great Transition and the Adamic Races in english:


This book was translated by the publisher „Edicei of America“ in the United States.

Here is the ISBN for the book purchase: ISBN: 978-85-7945-427-1

Here is also a link about Aryan Race: http://www.ancient.eu/Aryan/

Thanks for reading and have a nice evening. Theodora


Photo: A.T. Germany 2010

The Apocalypse of John – introductio

Many people who are saints, they were beast in other incarnations. Not everybody are prepared to listen to what I’m talking about… Exu Ventania

Many people who are saints, they were beast in other incarnations. Not everybody are prepared to listen to what I’m talking about… Exu Ventania

Dear readers,
since  few months ago I had the inspiration to write a little bit about the  Apocalypse in the Bible.
Once this Gospel of John is  very controversial and with difficult of interpretation, I pray for God, Jesus and my spiritual mentors, to stand nearby me, with the light of knowledge. So, may I be able to deliver to you guys a safe  and easy understanding work.

For this work, I will use two different sources: Spiritism & Umbanda

Spiritism: The interpretation of the book “On the way to the Light“. Year: 1939, made by spiritist and professor André Sobreiro.

Author: Emmanuel spirit Psychography: medium Francisco Xavier.

Umbanda: the dialogues of Mr. VentaniaThe Lord of the Winds and Storms, which is incorporated in Umbanda, through the Medium Fernando Parada. 

In one of his reincarnations, Lord Ventania lived in Galilee, where he had contact with Judas, Andrew, Mary of Magdala and once stood and talked directly with Jesus.
A few months ago he made many revelations regarding to the events of Galilee at that time, and also the interpretation of the Gospel of Judas.

I pray to the winds of Orion to protect me and take all the negative energy away, so that in the near future I may also translate the dialogues, which has a lot of importance to the future generations.

Book: On the way to the Light. Year of Publication: 1939

A few years before the end of the first century after the advent of
new doctrine, since the spiritual forces operate an analysis of the bitterness situation
in the world, in the face of the future.
Under the aegis of Jesus, establish new lines for the progress of
civilization, marking the initial features of the European countries of the times
modern. Rome is no longer representing, then, to the invisible plane, but an
infectious focus that is necessary to neutralize or remove. All gifts of
High had been ignored by the imperial city, transformed into a
Vesuvius passions and breakdowns.

The Divine Master calls the soul of John to the spaces, who still found caught in the Earth’s bonds.

The Apostle, astonished and afflicted, read the symbolic language of the invisible.

So, recommends him the Lord, who delivered his knowledge to planet as a warning to all nations and all peoples of the world, and the old apostle of Patmos  transmits to the disciples the extraordinary warnings  of the Apocalypse.

All subsequent events  to the existence of John are there foreseen.
It is true that, often, the apostolic description penetrates darker ground; it is seen that his human expression could not faithfully copying the divine expression of their views of thrilling interest in the history of mankind.

Wars, future nations, the torments Forthcoming, commercialism, ideological struggles of occidental (Western) civilization are there, glimpsed detailed (foreseen).

And the most painful figure there related, which still offers a vision of the modern world, it is surely that of the wayward Church of Rome, symbolized in the beast, dressed in purple and drunk with the blood of the saints.


Revelation says that the beast could say great things and blasphemies
for 42 months, adding that her number was 666 (Rev. XIII, 5 and

Examining the importance of symbols in those days and following
the track of interpretations, we can take each month as of
30 years, instead of 30 days, obtaining in this way, a period 1260 ordinary years, precisely the period between 610 and 1870 of our era when the Papacy was consolidating after its appearance, with the Emperor Phocas, in 607, and the decree of papal infallibility to Pius IXin 1870, which marked the decay and a lack of authority of Vatican, in face of scientific, philosophical and religious developments of Humanity.

As for the number 666, without referring to interpretations Greek numbers in your values, we should use the  Romansnumbers in their significance, to be more publicized and well known, explaining that it is the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Church-who uses the titles of

Vicarius generalis DEI IN TERRIS“, “Vicarius FILII DEI” and “DVX
Cleri ” 


Vicar General of God on earth “,” Vicar of the Son God ” and ” Prince of the clergy. “

Suffice it to a student a little game of patience, adding the Roman numerals found in every title Pope, in order to find the same equation 666 in each tittle.
It is seen, therefore, that the Revelation of John has singular importance for the fate of terrestrial mankind.

As for the number 666, without referring to the interpretations with the Greeks numbers on their values, we must use the  Roman numbers, in the significance of them, to be more publicized and well knownexplaining that it is the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Church, who uses the titles of Vicarius generalis DEI IN TERRIS“, Vicarius FILII DEI” and “DVX Cleri “meaning,” Vicar General of God on earth ,” Vicar of the Son of God” and “ Prince of Clergy. “
It will be enough to the student playing a little patience game, by adding Roman numerals, found in each papal title, in order to find the same equation 666 in each of them.

It is seen, therefore, that the Revelation of John has singular importance for the destiny of terrestrial mankind.

But to return to our purposes, fulfilling us to recognize in the Gospels a wonderful and divine light, that the incessant flow the centuries has only been able to revive and rekindle.

They are who keep the summary of all textbooks of peace and truth into the lives of men, being the script of light and love, through which all souls may ascend to the luminous mountains of Wisdom from Heaven.

Time of Transition for Planet Earth

If the minds, instead of selfishness, foolishness and wickedness, emit waves of goodness and compassion, love and mercy, certainly the picture on Earth would be another. Bezerra de Menezes

Spirit: Bezerra de Menezes    Psychography Divaldo Franco.

Source: http://www.oespiritismo.com.br

Photo: Miss Froggy – Istanbul 2003

The Earth’s population reaches a rapid pace, the large number of seven billion reincarnated beings simultaneously vying for the opportunity of evolution

While major acquisitions of technological knowledge and the advances of science in a number of areas in these troubled days, transcendent values have not received the necessary consideration of the scholars who are dedicated to the analysis and promotion of human resources, living more concerned with techniques than with moral behavior, which is of paramount importance. Therefore the inheritance is transferred to the new generations that now inhabit the planet is more about greed, pleasure of the physical senses, the conquest of space at any rate, leading to violence and disorder

They take place busy materialism and utilitarianism, the context in which many are far from the solidarity, compassion and brotherly spiritbefore the difficulty of the actual experience of love. as taught and lived by Jesus.

The individuals seem anesthetized Regarding the treasures of the soul, with the comprehensible exceptions.

Fortunately, the end of the world that speak the prophecies refers to that of moral nature, with the natural occurrence of tragic successes snatch communities, providing the renovation, that the absence of love can not achieve as one might desire

Such phenomena are not programmed to this or that period, a terrifying fatalism as many who ignore the extent of the love of our Father disseminate, but for a long period of transformations, adaptations, events favorable to the enactment of the order and solidarity among all beings.

It is understandable, therefore, that the most serious occurrence is, in a way, depending on the free will of human beings themselves, whose conduct may hasten or delay its establishment, softening it or aggravating it

If the minds, instead of selfishness, foolishness and wickedness, emit waves of goodness and compassion, love and mercy, certainly the picture on Earth would be another.

By understanding the transience of physical experience, in the future psychosphere of the planet will be very different because emissions of thought modify the current vibrational bands that contribute to the harmony of all and for the use of available time.

The love of our Father and Jesus’ tenderness toward His flock will decrease the severity of events, by as well compassion and mercy, although the severity of the law of progress.

All of us are, disembodied and embodied, committed to the planetary transition for a better program. For this reason, we must all commit ourselves inside moral transformation of work, involving us in light, so that no darkness can cause the disorder or cause us to hinder the march of evolution.

Indeed, the spirits laid down in the degrading passions, they attune to own vibrational waves lower worlds, for them transferring by tuning, where they become positive workers by the resources already have in relation to those backward regions in which they learn the humility lessons and good conduct. Everything is linked together in the divine laws, never missing superior resources for the moral development of the spirit.

This immense process of molecular transformation to the achievement of angelitude, there are several propitiatory resources for the intellectual and moral growth without serious unpleasant injunctions. All of these facilities, however, are based on love and work.

Thusthe disclosure of Spiritualism is very important to demonstrate to everyone immortality, divine justice, mediumship, the mechanisms of experience in reincarnation and the immense significance of each existential moment. Therefore, we invite everyone for the love learning, reflection and labor of brotherly love that will be enriched, preparing for the inevitable liberation by the disembodiment when it occurs.

Praise and thank the Lord of the universe for the glory of life that is given us and beg Him support order to be faithful to the postulates of the thought of Jesus, our Master and Guide, which constitute our duties at all times.

However, all good workers should pay attention to the fact that may experience the sting of trouble, will experience the nickname and rampant misunderstanding that have been preserved by the ignorance of those who do not contribute.

Everybody will be called to sacrifice in some way in order to demonstrate the excellence of the evangelical content, considering, on the one hand, the personal injunctions that require repair, and secondly, the fidelity, which asks for confirmation by example.

Do not be surprised that the difficulties encountered present unexpectedly, causing often shock and distress. So the refuge of the ratio shows the safe place for refueling the forces and get on with joy.

Entities that delights in the pleasure of vampirization the energies of distracted and foolish embodied, turn against the emissaries of Jesus where they are generating conflicts around them and beating them fiercely. The workers of the Master, in turn, must turn to the joy of service, thanking the heavens self-illuminating opportunity, without it occurrence of any expression of masochism. By the way, it is an honor us whatever suffering for love of the ideal of truth, the construction of the new world.

That the superior discernment can point us all, and that the most valuable resources that are owned, are made available to the Lord of the Vineyard who follows ahead.

Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (spirit) in Sunrises of a new era, Manoel de Miranda Philomena (Spirit), psychographed of Divaldo Franco.

Source: http://www.oespiritismo.com.br

Global Warming, Collective Karma & Prophecy

The advanced technology increases with a unbeliaveble rapidity, making our life very comfortable, if we compare around 20 years ago.  Most of us see only the good side of the coin: Nice cars, Mobilephones, and many other good stuffs. Unfortunately, the coin has also another side.

Karma  it is a term to describe the cycle of cause und effect.

As example in our days of Karma, I gonna give 2 very simple to be understood: China and Germany

China as Industrial Country: Getting very big Karma for the Population:

China’s waste production increases considerably. Stastistic have been showing that, in the year of  2012 the waste generation in China was 300 million tons. Only in the year of 2011, had been 2.3 million tons of electronic waste produced. Every year aproximately 12 million tonnes of grain are contaminated by heavy metals. China’s cultivated land and water have been polluted and contaminated.

Karma: According to a study from WHO, between 350,000 and 500,000 Chinese die prematurely each year because of the country’s air Poluition, also causing a wide spectrum of respiratory, like lung cancer and cardiovascular ailments in the Population.

Welcome Culture – Country is paying his Karma

Who would believe in that?

If you look back at the history and compare Germany 80 years ago and nowadays. Not Long time ago Hitler and the nazis almost extinguished a german-jew Nation, but also the own Population. With their euthanasia Programm children with disability, People with mental handcap and homosexual had been murded.

Those who don´t know much about history:  Adolf Hitler cames from Austria.  He was  NOT  a german!

If you compare the Situation of Europa today and climate changes, you will agree the People soon will look for a safe place for their children. The spiritual entities have been warned them about the hard times will come over us.

To understand why so much suffer in nowadays, we should go back to our roots, learning with the history of our previous reincarnations.  Most of us came from another plantet or even another galaxy.
One of the civilization came from Capella star, which they were exiled to earth, divided into four races:  Egyptian, Hinduism, Adamic and Israel People.
The literary works of the Spirit Emmanuel explain how everything started.       Medium: Chico Xavier
Date: 09.11.2015 – In the Way of the Light – Emmanuel and Chico Xavier Book Year 1939 Nr. 01
Date: 12.11.2015 – Adamic races coming from Capella star – the beginning Nr. 10


Date: 11.11.2015 – Caboclo Pena Branca – Medium Marcos José
Public ‘s questions about global warming collective Karmas and Reincarnation I

Next article

Public ‘s questions about global warming, Europe collective Karmas, Hitler, Brazil, the country of the future Generation II & III

Global Warming I
Global Warming II



